- 영문이름
- Joon-Woo Lee
- 전공
- 원예학
- 직급
- 조교수 (전임)
- 전화번호
- 063-270-2558
- 이메일
- jw.lee@jbnu.ac.kr
- 사이트
- 연구분야
- 작물 생산 시스템
- 연구실
- 식물환경조절공학연구실
- 2019 서울대학교 원예생명공학전공 농학박사
- 2014 서울대학교 원예과학전공 농학석사
- 2012 서울대학교 원예과학전공 농학사
2022.03. - 현재, 전북대학교 스마트팜학과 조교수
2020.02. - 2022.02. 전주대학교 농생명ICT학과 조교수
2019.10. - 2020.02. 고려대학교 생명자원연구소 연구교수
2019.08. - 2020.02. 연암대학교 시간강사
2018.09. - 2019.02. 단국대학교 시간강사
최근 연구분야
- 작물 생육 모델
- 자동 관수 시스템
- 복합환경제어 시스템
- ICT 적용 원예작물 생산
- Plant Factory / Smart Farm / Smart Agriculture
Moon, T., Lee, J. W., & Son, J. E. (2021). Accurate Imputation of Greenhouse Environment Data for Data Integrity Utilizing Two-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 21(6), 2187.
Lee, J. W., Han, Z., Kang, W. H., & Son, J. E. (2021). Effects of seasonal light variation and artificial light treatments on growth and flavonoid production of Artemisia princeps cultivated in greenhouses. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 62, 253-261. Co-first
Lee, J. W., Kang, W. H., Moon, T., Hwang, I., Kim, D., & Son, J. E. (2020). Estimating the leaf area index of bell peppers according to growth stage using ray-tracing simulation and a long short-term memory algorithm. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 61, 255-265.
Moon, T., Lee, J. W., & Son, J. E. (2019). Estimating transpiration rates of hydroponically-grown paprika via an artificial neural network using aerial and root-zone environments and growth factors in greenhouses. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 60(6), 913-923.
Park, K. S., Kwon, D. Y., Lee, J. W., & Son, J. E. (2018). Comparing Photosynthesis, Growth, and Yield of Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.’Cupra’) under Supplemental Sulfur Plasma and High-Pressure Sodium Lamps in Growth Chambers and Greenhouses. Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory, 27(4), 332-340.
Lee, J., Moon, T., Nam, D., Park, K., & Son, J. (2018). Estimation of leaf area in paprika based on leaf length, leaf width, and node number using regression models and an artificial neural network. Horticultural Science and Technology, 36(2), 183-192.
Jung, D. H., Lee, J. W., Kang, W. H., Hwang, I. H., & Son, J. E. (2018). Estimation of whole plant photosynthetic rate of irwin mango under artificial and natural lights using a three-dimensional plant model and ray-tracing. International journal of molecular sciences, 19(1), 152. Co-first
Nam, D. S., Lee, J. W., Moon, T. W., & Son, J. E. (2017). Transpiration prediction of sweet peppers hydroponically-grown in soilless culture via artificial neural network using environmental factors in greenhouse. Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory, 26(4), 411-417.
Lee, J. W., Kang, W. H., Park, K. S., & Son, J. E. (2017). Spectral dependence of electrical energy-based photosynthetic efficiency at single leaf and canopy levels in green-and red-leaf lettuces. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 58(2), 111-118.
Lee, J. W., Kim, J. H., Ahn, T. I., Shin, J. H., Park, K. S., & Son, J. E. (2016). Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) canopy photosynthesis modeling using 3D plant architecture and light ray-tracing. Frontiers in Plant science, 7, 1321. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01321, 1664-462X, Co-first.
Kang, W., Zhang, F., Lee, J., & Son, J. (2016). Improvement of canopy light distribution, photosynthesis, and growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in plant factory conditions by using fitters to diffuse light from LEDs. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology, 34(1), 84-93.
Lee, J. W., Shin, J. H., Kim, J. H., Park, H. W., Yu, I. H., & Son, J. E. (2014). Analysis of light environments in reclaimed land and estimation of spatial light distributions in greenhouse by 3-D model. Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory, 23(4), 303-308.
Lee, J. W., Eom, J. N., Kang, W. H., Shin, J. H., & Son, J. E. (2013). Prediction of transpiration rate of lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.) in plant factory by Penman-Monteith model. Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory, 22(2), 182-187.