김광수 사진
Statistical Learning for AI, Bayesian Non-parametrics
자연대본관 606호


- Bayesian Analysis of the Generalized Additive Proportional Hazards Model: Asymptotic Studies (2023), Gwangsu Kim, Chang D Yoo, Yongdai Kim, Bayesian Anal. Advance Publication, 1-19, (2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-BA1384
- Deep learning-based noise robust flexible piezoelectric acoustic sensors for speech processing (2022), Young Hoon Jung, Trung Xuan Pham, Dias Issa, Hee Seung Wang, Jae Hee Lee, Mingi Chung, Bo-Yeon Lee, Gwangsu Kim,Chang D Yoo, Keon Jae Lee, Nano Energy, 101, 107610
- Blending Query Strategy of Active Learning for Imbalanced Data (2022), Gwangsu Kim and Chang D. Yoo, IEEE Access, Vol 10, 79526-79542
- Survival Analysis of COVID-19 Patients with Symptoms Information by Machine Learning Algorithms (2022), Gwangsu Kim, Chang D. Yoo, and Seong J. Yang, IEEE Access, Vol 10, 62282 – 62291
- Biomimetic and flexible piezoelectric mobile acoustic sensors with multiresonant ultrathin structures for machine learning biometrics (2021), HeeSeung Wangm, Seong Kwang Hong, Jae Hyun Han, Young Hoon Jung, Hyun Kyu Jeong, Tae Hong Im, Chang Kyu Jeong, Bo-Yeon Lee, Gwangsu Kim, Chang D. Yoo,, Keon Jae Lee, Science Advances, 2021;7, eabe5683
- Properties of h-Likelihood Estimators in Clustered Data (2020), Youngjo Lee and Gwangsu Kim, International Journal of Statistics, 88(2), 380-395
- Bayesian model for hydrological processes with jumping  location varying dispersion (2019), Gwangsu Kim and Jong-June Jeon, Journal of Hydrology, 578, 124087
- Asymptotic properties of nonparametric estimation and quantile regression in Bayesian
structural equation models (2019), Gwangsu Kim and Taeryon Choi, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 171, 68-82
- Marginal versus conditional beta-binomial regression models (2019), Gwangsu Kim and Youngjo Lee, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(3), 761-769
- Posterior consistency in frailty models and simulation studies to test the presence of
random effects (2019), Gwangsu Kim, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 48(1), 146-168
- Detection of gene–environment interactions in a family-based population using SCAD (2017), Gwangsu Kim, Chao-Qiang Lai, Donna K. Arnett, Laurence D. Parnell, Jose M. Ordovas, Yongdai Kim and Joungyoun Kim, Statistics in Medicine, 36(22), 3547-3559
- Bayesian analysis of the proportional hazards model with time-varying coefficients (2017), Gwangsu Kim, Yongdai Kim, and Taeryon Choi, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44(2), 524-544
- H-likelihood Predictive Intervals for Unobservables (2016), Youngjo Lee and Gwangsu Kim, International Statistical Review, 84(3), 487-505
- Bayesian analysis to detect abrupt changes in extreme hydrological processes (2016), Seongil Jo, Gwangsu Kim and Jong-June Jeon, Journal of Hydrology, 538, 63-70
- Bayesian test for hazard ratio in survival analysis (2016), Gwangsu Kimand Seong-Whan Lee, SpringerPlus, 5:649, 1-14
- Sparse Bayesian Representation in Time-Frequency Domain (2015), Gwangsu Kim, Jeongran Lee, Yongdai Kim and Hee-Seok Oh, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 166,126-137
- Bayesian analysis for monotone hazard ratio (2011), Yongdai Kim, Jin Kyung Park and Gwangsu Kim, Lifetime Data Analysis, 17(2), 302-320

- Bayesian test for the differences of survival functions in multiple groups (2017), Gwangsu Kim, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 24(2), 115-127
- Current trends in high dimensional massive data analysis (2016), Woncheol Jang, Gwan Kim and Joungyoun Kim, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 29(6), 999–1005
- Likelihood-Based Inference of Random Effects and Application in Logistic Regression (2015), Gwangsu Kim, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 28(2), 269-278
- 상관성 회귀모형에 대한 비교 연구 (2009), 김광수, 전종준, 최호식 공저, Journal of the Korean data analysis society, 11 6(B), 3319-3329

Representative Publications

- Fast and Efficient MMD-based Fair PCA via Optimization over Stiefel Manifold (2022) Junghyun Lee, Gwangsu Kim, Matt Olfat, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Chang D Yoo, Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- Survival Analysis of COVID-19 Patients with Symptoms Information by Machine Learning Algorithms (2022), Gwangsu Kim, Chang D. Yoo, and Seong J. Yang, IEEE Access, Vol 10, 62282 – 62291
- Properties of h-Likelihood Estimators in Clustered Data (2020), Youngjo Lee and Gwangsu Kim, International Statistical Review, 88(2), 380-395
- Asymptotic properties of nonparametric estimation and quantile regression in Bayesian structural equation models (2019), Gwangsu Kim and Taeryon Choi, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 171, 68-8
- Bayesian analysis of the proportional hazards model with time-varying coefficients (2017), Gwangsu Kim, Yongdai Kim, and Taeryon Choi, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44(2), 524-544


Digital Forensics and Watermarking: 17th International Workshop, IWDW 2018, Jeju Island, Korea, October 22-24, 2018, Proceedings, edited by Chang D. Yoo, Yun-Qing Shi, Hyoung Joong Kim, Alessandro Piva, Gwangsu Kim, Springer LNCS

Workshop & Conference Papers

- ESD: Expected Squared Difference as a Tuning-Free Trainable Calibration Measure (2023), Hee Suk Yoon, Joshua Tian Jin Tee, Eunseop Yoon, Sunjae Yoon, Gwangsu Kim, Yingzhen Li, Chang D Yoo, 2023 International Conference on Representation Learning (ICLR)
- Fast and Efficient MMD-based Fair PCA via Optimization over Stiefel Manifold (2022) Junghyun Lee, Gwangsu Kim, Matt Olfat, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Chang D Yoo, Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- Few-shot Associative Domain Adaptation for Surface Normal Estimation (2019), Haeyong Kang, Gwangsu Kim, Chan D. Yoo, The 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2019
- Predictive Models of Fire via Deep learning Exploiting Colorific Variation (2019), JiSeong Han, Gwangsu Kim, ChanSeo Lee, YeongKwang Han, UngHwang, SungHwan Kim, 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), 579-581
- Fire Detection Using Video Images and Temporal Variations (2019), Gwangsu Kim, Junyeong Kim, SungHwan Kim, 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), 564-567
- A statistical approach to smooth video quality adaptation in ieee 802.11 wireless lans (2014), Nakjung Choi, Jeongran Lee, Gwangsu Kim, 2014 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 530-531