We run courses associating with Department of Agricualutral Convergence Technology.
Qualified faculties yearly develop new programs in order to cultivate human resource controlling hazards in field of agriculture, livestock, and foods.
1 | Advanced Food Biological Chemistry | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Kwang Pyo Kim |
The course covers food-related biochemical reactions. Recent publications will be also studied and discussed. | |||||
2 | Advanced Food Molecular Biology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Kwang Pyo Kim |
Basic understanding of replication, transcription and translation processes is prerequisite of the course. Biological changes in food components during processing or inside the body will be discussed by studying recent publications. | |||||
3 | Molecular Foodborne Pathogens | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Kwang Pyo Kim |
Virulence of foodborne pathogens will be discussed at the molecular level. The course will further study how to control them, based on their pathogenicity. | |||||
4 | Seminar for New Food Product Development | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Kwang Pyo Kim |
Principles on new product development will be studied. The course will also provide with seminars presented by industrial personnel who has hands-on experience in the field. | |||||
5 | HACCP Seminar | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Kwang Pyo Kim |
The seminar is designed to learn the establishment and actual practice of HACCP plan in food factories. The course will also offer a chance to discuss limitation and future development. | |||||
6 | Advanced Pest Management | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Jae Su Kim |
Insect pests are dangerous factors in agricultural crop protection. Based on acquired knowledge about taxonomy, physiology and ecology of main insect pests, students learn prediction of pest occurrence, management tools and concepts and lastly integrated pest management strategy. | |||||
7 | Advanced Insect Ecology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Jae Su Kim |
Insect interacts with environmental factors which include biotic and abiotic factors in their habitats. Students learn these host-environment interactions and based on this knowledge they have an opportunity to learn insect movement, migration, reproduction, and population ecology. | |||||
8 | Advanced Biological Control | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Jae Su Kim |
Biological control of insect pests is a main practice in integrated pest management. From the case studies of biological controls, students learn application methods and strategy of biologicals and recent R&D trend to have a deep implication. | |||||
9 | Biological Control | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Jae Su Kim |
Microbial pest management is a way of environment-friendly idea. Students learn principle of biological control, such as main concept, mode of action and main features of biologicals. Particularly bacteria, virus, fungi and nematode are of interest biologicals in this topic. | |||||
10 | Smart Sensing in Agriculture | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Seong Min Kim |
Understand the principles and characteristics of smart sensing techniques and in agriculture. Learn various methods detecting hazard factors in agricultural and food environments. | |||||
11 | Biosensor in Agriculture | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Seong Min Kim |
Understand the principles and characteristics of biosensors in agriculture. Learn various methods detecting hazard factors biosensors in agricultural and food environments. | |||||
12 | Design of Data Visualization | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Seong Min Kim |
Understand the principles of data visualization and learn various visualization techniques. Increase ability applying techniques through performing a project. | |||||
13 | Nondestructive Hazard Factor Decetion Techniques in Agriculture | 3 | 4 | Lecture +Practice |
Seong Min Kim |
Understand the principles and characteristics of nondestructive hazard factor detection techniques in agriculture. Learn real world applications and trends in agricultural and food sectors. | |||||
14 | Advanced Biotechnology and Bioengineering | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Dong Ho Seo |
Acquire knowledge about the upstream and downstream processes of biotechnology, and comprehensively understand the role and application of biotechnology in the fields of food and agricultural life | |||||
15 | Special Topic in Enzyme Engineering | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Dong Ho Seo |
To understand the reaction mechanism of enzymes and the improvement techniques of enzymes, and new industrial applications to the agricultural and livestock food industry through this. | |||||
16 | Advanced Enzymology for Risk Management Technique | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Dong Ho Seo |
Acquire theoretical knowledge and application and utilization technology to control hazardous factors in the agricultural and biological food field using enzymes | |||||
17 | Food Biotechnology Research Seminar | 3 | 4 | Lecture +Practice |
Dong Ho Seo |
Understand and discuss the cutting-edge research trends in the field of food biotechnology applicable to the field of livestock and food industry | |||||
18 | Special Topics in Recent Celluar Signalings | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Ki Duk Song |
To understand the signaling mechanisms related to the responses and defenses to hazardous factors for animals, and to acquire the theory of control technology development. | |||||
19 | Advance Animal Biotechnology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Ki Duk Song |
Identify the latest research trends in animal biotechnology for animal hazard control | |||||
20 | Special Topics in Comparative Immunology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Ki Duk Song |
Learn the theoretical background of developing immunological control technology for hazardous factors by understanding the immune response to hazardous factors in livestock | |||||
21 | Understanding of Animal and Plant Hazard Factors | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Ki Duk Song |
Learning theories on the detection, assessment, and control of hazards throughout the entire life cycle in animals | |||||
22 | Dairy Food Microbiology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Soo Yeon Song |
This is a beginning course in the study of microorganisms. Students will study the history of microbiology, the general principles of bacterial cell structure and function, biochemical processes in cells, and the genetic basis of microbial growth and evolution. Also students learn the experimental basis of microbiology, the classification and diversity of microorganisms, and the ecological activities of microorganisms in dairy food. | |||||
23 | Advanced Dairy Food Safety and Hygiene | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Soo Yeon Song |
Student learn management methods for safe dairy food production base on analysis and control methods of various hazardous factors that may occur in the production, processing, preservation, and distribution of dairy products. | |||||
24 | Advanced Probiotics | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Soo Yeon Song |
The main goals of this course are to present an overview of the important probiotic bacteria involved in industry microbes, to discuss the physiology and function, to learn how they are detected and monitored, and to describe their effects on the host. | |||||
25 | Advanced Animal Bioinformatics | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Dong Hyun Shin |
In this class, students will acquire knowledge of bioinformatics technology to respond to hazards in the economic livestock industry. | |||||
26 | Special Topics in Animal Production Environment | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Dong Hyun Shin |
In this class, students will learn about the recent research trends related to the production environment in response to hazards in the economic livestock industry. | |||||
27 | Speical Topics in Animal Bioinformatics | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Dong Hyun Shin |
In this class, students will identify the recent research trends related to technology to respond to hazards in the economic livestock industry. | |||||
28 | Practice of Animal Production Technology 2 | 3 | 4 | Lecture +Practice |
Dong Hyun Shin |
In this class, students will learn about the latest environmental low-load livestock technology development theory and field application program operation case analysis. | |||||
29 | Economic Animal Physiology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Kwan Seob Shim |
Learn knowledge such as life phenomena and homeostasis maintenance, blood circulation, immunity, breathing, kidney, digestion, endocrine, muscle, and breeding in economic animals. | |||||
30 | Advanced Animal Proteomics | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Kwan Seob Shim |
Understand the overall protein function and changes in animals' cells or individuals. | |||||
31 | Animal and Plant Hazard Controlling Field Practice 2 | 3 | 4 | Lecture +Practice |
Kwan Seob Shim |
Monitor hazardous factors in animals and plants and acquire control technology through field training. | |||||
32 | Advanced Food Microbiology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Soon-Il Yun |
Based on knowledge about microorganisms, learn how to utilize and control beneficial and harmful microorganisms, and also learn about their role and utilization for food processing and safety improvement | |||||
33 | Advanced Food Sanitation | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Soon-Il Yun |
To ensure food safety, understand food raw materials, personal hygiene, production and action mechanisms of various hazardous substances, and learn how to identify and manage various hazardous factors that may occur during food processing, preservation, and distribution. | |||||
34 | Advanced Food Risk Management | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Soon-Il Yun |
Learn how to promote and secure food safety by considering the mechanisms of control technology and understanding of hazardous substances generated during food processing and storage. | |||||
35 | Industrial Microbiology Seminar | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Soon-Il Yun |
Discuss solutions to problems caused by harmful microorganisms in the process of improving food quality by beneficial microorganisms and producing useful substances through fermentation through basic knowledge of microorganisms. | |||||
36 | Insect Molecular Biology and Physiology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | June-Sun Yoon |
This class is aimed to understand the behavior, physiology, and ecology of insects by means of molecular and physiological aspects. By knowing that, we will be able to utilze our knowledge into the pest control. | |||||
37 | Advanced Insect Plant Relationship | 3 | 3 | Lecture | June-Sun Yoon |
This course is designed to understand the interactions between plants and insects. The defense mechanisms of plants and their evolution will be covered and various principles such as insect sense to plants, physiology and behavioral adaptation, and ecology will be learned. | |||||
38 | Special Seminar Series | 3 | 3 | Lecture | June-Sun Yoon |
This seminar class is designed to get to know all professors in the Department of Agricultural Convergence Technology. Through this seminar class, we will have a seminar with different professors every week, talking about their research and latest research trends in each field. | |||||
39 | Advanced Moelcular Biology and Cell Biology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | June-Sun Yoon |
This course will provide the principles of molecular biology and cell biology. Also, we will cover various methods of applications in the laboratory such as PCR, Gel electrophoresis, Real-time pcr, Western Blot, cell culture. | |||||
40 | Advanced Rhizosphere Microbiology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Ji Hoon Lee |
This class covers microbial physiology and ecology in rhizosphere with emphasis on the microbial community affected by plants. | |||||
41 | Advanced Microbiology for Environmental Contamination | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Ji Hoon Lee |
This class covers microbial mechanisms to degrade organic pollutants and alleviate metal contaminants in agricultural environments. | |||||
42 | Microbiome Analysis of Agricultural Environment | 3 | 4 | Lecture +Practice |
Ji Hoon Lee |
This class covers methodology used for microbial community analyses with emphasis on practical procedures of Mothur for analyzing Illumina sequencing raw data, and the introduction of R usage for statistical visualization. | |||||
43 | Advanced Plant-Microbe Interaction | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Ji Hoon Lee |
This class covers interactions between microbes and plants, including nitrogen-fixation, plant hormone exchanges, mycorrhizal symbiosys, etc. | |||||
44 | Advanced International Agroindustry | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Hak Kyo Lee |
Establishment of international agricultural industry trends and industry-specific strategies | |||||
45 | Advanced Technology of Environmental Load | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Hak Kyo Lee |
Low-input, greenhouse gas-reducing livestock technology development theory and field application program | |||||
46 | Practice of Animal Production Technology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Hak Kyo Lee |
Deriving the theory of low-input, greenhouse gas-reducing livestock technology development and case analysis of field application program operation | |||||
47 | Advanced Plant Pathology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | In Young Choi |
Recognize the importance of diseases causing damage plants, acquire basic knowledge necessary for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of plant diseases caused by pathogens and environmental conditions, and cultivate practical skills through theories and experiments. | |||||
48 | Advanced Forest Pathology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | In Young Choi |
It is a study dealing with the types of trees disease and its control techniques, and studies the life cycle of plant pathogens in terms of forest protection so that they can be used for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases. | |||||
49 | Advanced Fungal Disease in Plant | 3 | 3 | Lecture | In Young Choi |
We study the taxonomy, morphology, physiology, ecological properties of fungal pathogens that cause diseases in plants, and the path of transmission, the environment, and control of outbreaks. | |||||
50 | Advanced Animal Epigenetics | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Hyun Woo Choi |
Advanced animal epigenetics offer a synthesized discussion of epigenetic control of gene expression. Students learn how the expression of genes in cells during embryonic development. | |||||
51 | Animal Developmental Biotechnology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Hyun Woo Choi |
Embryonic development begins just after fertilization through the differentiation of cells, formation of body structures, such as tissues and organs. Students learn the principles of animal development, differentiation and the process of tissue and organ formation. | |||||
52 | Advanced Animal Immunology | 3 | 3 | Lecture | Hyun Woo Choi |
The immune system defends animal body against invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies. Students learn the immune system and mechanism of immune defense in animals. | |||||
53 | Animal and Plant Hazard Controlling Field Practice 1 | 3 | 4 | Lecture +Practice |
Hyun Woo Choi |
Student monitor hazard factors in animal and plant, and practice controlling of hazard factors in field. |