동물자원과학과(Department of Animal Science)
<2025학년도 재학생부터 적용>
학년 | 학기 | 학수구분 | 과목명(영문) |
학강실 점의습 |
2 | 1 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 1(Major Career Planning 1) | 0.5-0-1 |
전필 | ○ **동물유전육종학(Animal Genetic & Breeding) | 3-3-0 | ||
전선 | 기능성축산식품학(Functional Animal Foods) 동물미생물학(Animal Microbiology.) 동물생리학(Animal Physiology) 사료학및실험(Feed Science & Lab.) 생화학개론(Introduction to Biochemistry) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-2-2 3-3-0 |
2 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 2(Major Career Planning 2) | 0.5-0-1 | |
전필 | **가축영양학(Animal Nutrition) | 3-3-0 | ||
전선 | ○**가축사양학(Animal Production) 동물분자생물학(Animal Molecular Biology) 반려동물학개론(Introduction to Companial Animal) 프로바이오틱스개론및실험(Introduction to Probiotics and Laboratory Techniques) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-2 |
3 | 1 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 3(Major Career Planning 3) | 0.5-0-1 |
전필 | ○**가축번식학(Animal Reproduction) **근육생물과식육과학(Muscle biology and meat science) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 |
전선 | 가금생산학(Poultry Production) 동물줄기세포생물학(Animal stem cell biology) 반추동물영양학(Ruminant Nutrition) 양돈학(Swine Science) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 4(Major Career Planning 4) | 0.5-0-1 | |
전필 | 유식품가공학및실험(Dairy Processing and Laboratore Techniques) | 3-2-2 | ||
전선 | **가축위생및질병학(Animal Hygiene & Disease) 근육식품가공학(Meat processing) 인공수정과생명기술(Artificial Insemination and Life Technologies) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
4 | 1 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 5(Major Career Planning 5) | 0.5-0-1 |
전선 | 가금영양학(Poultry Nutrition) 동물과 인간(Animal & Human) 동물실험통계학(Animal Experimental Statistics) 미생물과면역학(Microbial-Immune Interactions) 축산환경학(Livestock Environment) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2 | 공필 | 전공진로설계 6(Major Career Planning 6) | 0.5-0-1 | |
전선 | 동물발달생물학(Animal Developmental Biology) 축산경영학(Livestock Farm Business) 축산법규(Law & Regulations on Animal Industry) 축산식품검사및분석(Analysis of Animal Foods) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
“○“표는 부전공 필수과목, “**“표는 교직 기본이수영역 과목