학년 | 학기 | 학수구분 | 과목명(영문) |
1학년 | 2학기 | 전선 | 초급중국어회화(Beginning Chinese Conversation) |
2학년 | 1학기 | 전선 | 중국고대문학사(History of Ancient Chinese Literature) 중국고사성어선독(Selected Reading of Chinese Fables and Phrases) 중국어독해 1(Chinese Reading Comprehension 1) 중국어학의이해(Understanding of Chinese Linguistics) 중국어회화 1(Chinese Conversation 1) 중국현대사회의이해(Understanding Modern Society of China) |
공필 | 전공진로설계 1(Major Career Planning 1) | ||
2학기 | 전선 | 논어의지혜(Wisdom of Confucian Analects) 디지털차이나(Digital China) 중국어독해 2(Chinese Reading Comprehension 2) 중국어문법 1(Chinese Grammar 1) 중국어작문 1(Chinese Composition) 중국중세문학사(The Medieval History of Chinese Literature) |
공필 | 전공진로설계 2(Major Career Planning 2) | ||
3학년 | 1학기 | 전선 | 고급중국어회화(Advanced Course In Chinese) 사기와삼국지(ShiJI and SanGuoZhi) 중국근세문학사(History of Modern Chinese Literature) 중국도시와인간(Chinese City and Humanity) 중국어문법 2(Chinese Grammar 2) 중국현대소설과영화(Modern Chinese Novel & Movie) |
공필 | 전공진로설계 3(Major Career Planning 3) | ||
2학기 | 전선 | 고급중국어작문(High-level Chinese Writing) 고전번역의요령과멋(classical literrature methdology and pleasure) 중국고전산문(Chinese Classic Prose) 중국문자학의이해(Understanding Chinese Character) 중국어뉴스청취연습(Listening Practice for Chinese News) 중국어와인공지능(Chinese and AI) 중국현대문학의이해(Understanding Contemporary Chinese Literature) |
공필 | 전공진로설계4(Major Career Planning 4) | ||
4학년 | 1학기 | 전선 | 비즈니스중국어(Business Chinese) 시경과초사감상(Appreciation of Shijing & Chuci) 중국문화와예술(Chinese Culture and Art) 중국어실용문(Practical Chinese Composition) 중국현대작품감상(Appreciation of Contemporary Chinese Literature) 키워드로만나는중국문예(Exploring Chinese Literature and Arts through Keywords) |
공필 | 전공진로설계 5(Major Career Planning 5) | ||
2학기 | 전선 | 미디어중국어(Media Chinese) 제자백가문선독(Selected Readings in Zhu-Zi Bai-Jia Writings) 중국명시번역과감상(Translation and Appreciation of Classical Chinese Poetry) 중국어통번역실습(Training in Chinese Interpretation & Translation) 현대중국인물론(Theory of Modern Chinese Person) |
공필 | 전공진로설계6(Major Career Planning 6) |