학년 | 학기 | 학수구분 | 과목명(영문) |
1학년 | 2학기 | 전선 | 초급중국어회화(Beginning Chinese Conversation) |
2학년 | 1학기 | 전선 | 중국고대문학사(History of Ancient Chinese Literature) 중국어학입문(Introduction to Chinese Linguistics) 중급중국어 1(Intermediate Chinese 1) 한국문화중국어산책(Speaking of Korea culture with Chinese) 현대한어명문감상(Appreciation of memorable modern chinese sentence) 중국사서명구독해(Reading a memorable phrase in the Four Books) 서예와문화산업(Calligraphy and Cultural Industry) |
2학기 | 전선 | 중국중세문학사(History of Medieval Chinese Literature) 중급중국어 2(Intermediate Chinese 2) 중급중국어회화(Intermediate Chinese Conversation) 문화중국어(Chinese for Culture) 중국기초어법의이해(Understanding of Chinese Basic Grammar) 중국명시번역과감상(Translation and Appreciation of Classical Chinese Poetry) 중국고사성어선독(Selected Reading of Chinese fables and phrases) |
3학년 | 1학기 | 전선 | 고급중국어 1(Advanced Chinese 1) 고급중국어회화(Advanced Chinese Conversation) 중국근세문학사(History of Modern Chinese Literature) 관광콘텐츠중국어(Chinese for Tourism Content) 중국의우화(Reading of Chinese Fable) 중국희극과영화(Chinese Drama & Movie) 중국현대소설과영화(Modern Chinese Novel & Movie) 중국어교육론(Chinese Language Pedagogy) |
2학기 | 전선 | ○중국현대문학사(History of Contemporary Chinese Literature) 고급중국어 2(Advanced Chinese 2) 고급중국어작문과독해(Advanced Chinese Composition and Reading) 시사뉴스청취연습(Listening Practice for Current Chinese News) 중국한자문화의이해(Understanding of Chinese Character’s Culture) 중국고전산문(Readings in Classical Chinese Prose) 중국어교재연구및지도법(Studies in Chinese Textbooks and Teaching Methodology) |
4학년 | 1학기 | 전선 | 중국인문독서토론(Reading Discussion of China Humanities) 중국어실용문작성실습(Training of Practical Chinese Writing) 중국고전시가와문화콘텐츠(Classical Chinese Poetry and Cultural Content) 시경초사의번역과감상(Translation and Appreciation of shijing & Chuci) 중국현대명작산책(Understanding of Modern Chinese Masterpiece) 중국문화와예술(Chinese Culture and Art) 중국무역통상중국어(Chinese in Trade and Commerce) 중국어논리및논술연습(Practice of Logic and Writing for Chinese) |
2학기 | 전선 | 논어의지혜(Wisdom of Confucian Analects) 중국어통번역실습(Training in Chinese Interpretation & Translation) 제자백가문선독(Selected Readings in Zhu-Zi Bai-Jia Writings) 중국민속과희곡(Chinese Folk & Drama) 현대중국인물론(Theory of Modern Chinese Person) 테마로읽는중국고전문학(Chinese Classical Literature Read By Theme) 중국고대문학이론(Critical Theory of Ancient Chinese Literature) |