- Basic Medical Sciences
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Forensic Medicine
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Clinical Medical Sciences
- Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Biomedical engineering
- Dermatology
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Emergency medicine
- Internal medicine
- Laboratory Medicine
- Nuclear Medicine
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery
- Pediatrics
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery
- Psychiatry
- Radiation oncology
- Rehabilitation Medicine
- Surgery
- Urology
- Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
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The Department of Biochemistry is actively involved in its dual mission of providing professional education and conducting cutting-edge research. The department operates at both didactic and hands-on levels to train medical students, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. The goal of the department is to perform in our educational and research objectives at a level admired by our colleagues and envied by our competitors. The department consists of four faculty members and assisting staff. The research pursued by these scientists falls into three broad categories: NAD/Calcium signaling, metabolism and aging. The common thread connecting all research within the department is the objective of resolving biological reactions, circuits and pathways at a molecular level. A distinguishing feature of the Department of Biochemistry is its dedication to the task of integrating modern research in chemistry into an institution rich in the fields of molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology, physiology, cell biology and clinical sciences.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Uh-Hyun, M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair NAD-Calcium Signaling uhkim@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Jin-Woo M.D. Ph.D. Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism jinwoo@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Jong-Suk M.D. Ph.D. Professor Aging jsukim@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Byung-Hyun M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism bhpark@jbnu.ac.kr
Forensic Medicine
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The major topics of the Department of Forensic Medicine can be categorized into forensic pathology, medical genetics and medical jurisprudence. Changes after death and findings associated with various kinds of injuries are our major interests in forensic pathology. We deal daily with autopsies referred from various accidents, and each case is supported by individual identification using DNA fingerprints. Furthermore, we focus on studying various social problems that are caused by conflicts between medicine and legal theory. Based on such academic studies and hands-on experiences in forensic medicine, we try to educate students to competently cope with various issues comprised of social and medical conflicts and to apply knowledge on different kinds of situations dealing with the dead.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Lee, Ho M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Forensic Pathology, Forensic Genetics foremed@jbnu.ac.kr
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We deal with basic immunology including, 1) the building blocks of the immune systems cells, organs, and the major receptor molecules including antibodies, T cell receptors and MHC molecules, 2) the initiation of the immune response, leading from presentation and co-stimulation through cell activation pathways to the actions of cytokines, and 3) the principle effector arms of the immune response, such as TH2 responses with antibody production, TH1 responses and molecular phagocytes and cytotoxicity including Tc cells and NK cells. Based on our research background, we try to provide students with a sound understanding of the immune responses, which underlie clinically important areas, namely defense against infection, hypersensitivity states and allergies, immunopathology, tumor immunotherapy and transplantation.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Lee, Hern-Ku M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Allergy leeh-k@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Dae-ki Ph.D. Assistant Professor Cellular Immunology daekim@jbnu.ac.kr
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The Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Jeonbuk National University Medical School is located in the Life Science Building of the Medical School. The department is composed of four faculty members who direct their own independent research programs and are responsible for supervising postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and one administrative staff. The principal research emphasis of the department is directed towards understanding microbial pathogenesis and host defense against infectious agents, stem cell biology and gene therapeutic approaches for complex diseases and chronic infectious diseases. In addition to their research activities, our faculty members are responsible for teaching courses in medical microbiologyand genetics to medical and graduate studentsProfessor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Lee, Hwang-Ho, M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Medical Bacteriology hwangho@jbnu.ac.kr Hong , Seong-Chool Ph.D. Associate Professor Genetics and Gene therapy seonghong@hotmail.com Han, Myung-Kwan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Phagocytosis and Stem Cell Research iamtom@jbnu.ac.kr Chung, Kyung Min Ph.D. Full-time Lecturer Anatomy and Cell biology kmin@jbnu.ac.kr
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Pathology is literally the study (logos) of suffering (pathos). In this course, students learn the basic concepts of disease, including its causes (etiology), mechanisms of its development (pathogenesis), the structural alterations disease induces in the cells and organs of the body (morphologic changes), and the functional consequences of these morphologic changes (clinical significance). Lectures, microscopic observation sessions, basic pathologic experiments and practice of anatomic pathology sessions are given to freshmen andsophomores. The students are required to acquire basic pathologic knowledge in human diseases and the ability to properly describe pathogenesis. The Department of Pathology consists of six faculty members and performs important educational roles for medical and post-graduate students. All faculty members are actively involved in research activities which are reflected in the publication list. Pathology is a major discipline that bridges basic science and clinical practice. The clinical service provided by the Department of Pathology is also of great importance. The clinical service is categorized into several areas: surgical pathology, cytopathology, immuno-molecular pathology and electron microscopic pathology. The Department of Pathology aims to enhance patient care and treatment by providing recommendations and findings of tests on tissues, specimens and cells collected from patients.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Lee, Dong-Geun M.D., Ph.D. Professor and Chair Gastrointestinal Pathology, Hematopathology dglee@jbnu.ac.kr Kang, Myoung-Jae M.D., Ph.D. Professor Renal Pathology, Genitourinary Pathology mjkang@jbnu.ac.kr Moon, Woo-Sung M.D., Ph.D. Professor Hepatobiliary Pathology, Breast Pathology mws@jbnu.ac.kr Chung, Myoung-Ja M.D., Ph.D. Professor CardiopulmonaryPathology, Cytopathology mjchung@jbnu.ac.kr Jang, Kyu-Yun M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology Hematopathology, Gynecological Pathology kyjang@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Ho-Sung M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gastrointestinal Pathology, Neuropathology, Cytopathology hspark@jbnu.ac.kr
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Pharmacology is the study of the interactions between chemicals and living systems. The Pharmacology course covers phamacodynamics, pharmacokinectics, chemotherapy, pharmacy pharmacotherapeutics and toxicologyProfessor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Chae, Soo-Wan M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Cardiac pharmacology soowan@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Kee-Won M.D. Ph.D. Professor Neuropharmacology keewon@jbnu.ac.kr Kwak, Young-Geun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Cardiopharmacology ygkwak@jbnu.ac.kr Chae, Han-Jung Ph.D. Assistant Professor Molecular Pharmacology hjchae@jbnu.ac.kr Kwon, Young-Bae DVM. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Neuropharmacology 1972y@jbnu.ac.kr Choi, Bok-Hee Ph.D. Assistant Professor Electropharmacology bhchoi@jbnu.ac.kr
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The Department of Physiology is home to research and teaching focused on understanding the basic mechanisms of fundamentally important life processes. Physiology is concerned with the function of organisms at many stages of organization, from the sub-cellular level to the intact organism. In the healthy human, many variables are maintained within narrow limits. The list of controlled variables includes body temperature, blood pressure, ionic composition of the body's various fluid compartments, blood glucose levels, and oxygen and carbon dioxide contents of the blood. This ability to maintain relative constancy of such critical variables, even in the face of substantial environmental changes, is known as homeostasis. One of the central goals of physiological research is the elucidation of homeostatic mechanisms. Especially, the research interests of department faculty include the regulation of body fluids and blood pressure via the hormonal system; the renin-angiotensin system, atrial natriuretic peptide system, and other peptide hormones. We are also interested in molecular cell biology as well as cell physiology. Our faculty members are deeply engaged in technology development specializing in various methods for secretion of the peptide hormone and its receptor function. Our teaching mission includes medical courses in physiology as well as graduate courses. In addition, we offer advanced courses in a wide range of specialty areas reflecting the research interests of our faculty.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Suhn Hee M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Cardiovascular and renal physiology, Endocrinology shkim@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Sung Zoo M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Comparative physiology, Endocrinology szkim@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Woo Hyun Ph.D. Associate Professor Molecular cell biology, Cancer biology parkwh71@jbnu.ac.kr
Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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The goal of the Preventive Medicine is to preserve and promote health in our community through preventing diseases or eradicating hazardous environments which surround the human society. This field offers courses to evaluate the effects on health and diseases in various environmental situations by epidemiological and socio-medical approaches. Our health management system should also be studied by medical students to understand secondary and tertiary prevention.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Koh, Dai-Ha, M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Environmental & occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene kohdh@jbnu.ac.kr Youm, Jung-Ho, M.D. Ph.D. Professor Epidemiology yjho@jbnu.ac.kr Kwon, Keun-Sang, M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Environmental & occupational Medicine, Environmental epidemiology drkeunsang@jbnu.ac.kr
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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- @jbnu.ac.kr
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Many sophisticated and complex procedures are performed at our hospital, including congenital cardiac procedures, adult open heart surgery, extensive and sophisticated neurosurgery, and orthopedic surgery. All patients are potential teaching cases. Assignments of cases to residents are made by anesthesiology staff members, and every attempt is made to tailor daily work assignments to resident experience levels and educational need. The clinical activities of the department outside the operating rooms are increasing. There is an active Pain Clinic for diagnosis and treatment of intractable pain using various approaches. Subarachnoid, epidural, and sympathetic nerve blocks are routinely performed. Increasingly, the clinic is involved in the care of cancer patients who typically require pharmacological and other treatments. The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is staffed by members of the Department of Anesthesiology who have wide experience in managing acute situations and are skilled in the care of critically ill patients. These anesthesiology staff members are responsible for the administrative and medical supervision of the ICU.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Choe, Huhn M.D. Ph.D. Professor Regional Anesthesia, Pain Medicine hchoe@jbnu.ac.kr Han, Young-Jin M.D. Ph.D. Professor Obstetric Anesthesia, Pain Medicine yjhan@jbnu.ac.kr Lee , Sang-Kyi M.D. Ph.D./ Professor Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Intravenous Anesthesia leesk@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Dong-Chan M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Neuroanesthesia, Neuroelectrophysiologic Monitoring dckim@jbnu.ac.kr Ko, Seong-Hoon M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Critical Care shko@jbnu.ac.kr Son, Ji-Seon M.D. Associate Professor Pain Medicine, Regional Anesthesia sjs6803@jbnu.ac.kr
Biomedical engineering
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The Department of Biomedical Engineering was established for research and development purposes and also the maintenance of high-tech medical equipment and devices. Biomedical engineering refers to the application of engineering techniques to problems in medicine and biology. The interplay among the physical sciences, engineering, biology, and the medical sciences takes many forms. Students have a chance to understand the basic concepts and applications of engineering in medicine. The topics covered in this course are medical physics, biomedical instrumentation, medical imaging, biomechanical artificial organs, biomaterials,radiation transports and simulation, radiation detectors, sensor devices and new technologies for medical devices.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Bu Gil Ph.D. Professor and chair Biomedical engineering bgkim@jbnu.ac.kr
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The Department of Dermatology was established at the Jeonbuk National University Medical School in 1978. The residency training program and the Ph.D. program in dermatology began in 1979 and 1993 respectively. Currently, the department is staffed by three Facultymembers and seven residents. In the university hospital the department keeps threebeds, three out-patient clinics, one operation room, one laser treatment room, one clinical laboratory, one dermatological skin care room, and two phototherapy rooms. The average number of outpatients per year is between 20,000 and 25,000 and the annual number of inpatients is about 120.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Ihm, Chull-Wan M.D. Ph.D. Professor Dermatopathology and Trichology cwihm@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Han-Uk M.D. Ph.D. Professor Mycology hanukkim@jbnu.ac.kr Yun, Seok-Kweon. M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor and chair Dermatosurgery and Dermatopathology dermayun@jbnu.ac.kr
Diagnostic Radiology
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The aim of the diagnostic radiology course is to produce competent doctors who are well equipped with the basic knowledge of medical imaging relevant to medical practice. To achieve this aim, the department is divided into several parts: Gastrointestinal Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Thoracic and cardiac Radiology, Neuroradiology, Uroradiology, Pediatric Radiology, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Breast Radiology. The course consists of 40 hours of intensive lectures during the fourth semester of the first year and 20 hours of block lecture during second and third year studies. For 2 weeks during fourth year studies, 10-12 person teams go to polyclinics for practical training.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Chong-Soo M.D. Ph.D. Professor Gastrointestinal Radiology Gastrointestinal Radiology Han, Young-Min M.D. Ph.D. Professor Interventional Radiology Interventional Radiology Chung, Gyung-Ho M.D. Ph.D. Professor Neuroradiology Neuroradiology Lee, Sang-Yong M.D. Ph.D. Professor Musculoskeletal Radiology Musculoskeletal Radiology Jin, Gong-Yong M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Thoracic and cardiac Radiology gyjin@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Young-Kon M.D. Assistant Professor Gastrointestinal Radiology jmyr@dreamwiz.com Kwak, Hyo-Sung M.D. Full-time lecturer Interventional Radiology kwak8140@jbnu.ac.kr
Emergency medicine
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The Emergency Department offers lectures and clinical instruction in the field of Emergency Medicine during the first half of the fourth year of medical school. The lectures consist of general concepts of emergency medicine, cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation, traumatology, toxicology, disaster medicine, and environmental emergencies. Major concerns of bedside teaching are the patients' emergency treatment from the initial emergency management and the resuscitation phase to a more definitive care and proper disposition through continued clinical and diagnostic evaluation. Clinical training also includes ward rounding, journal meetings, and case presentations. This two-week course yields two credits. Emergency Department at Jeonbuk National University Hospital, a tertiary care referral center with 35,000 annual ED visits, is a 42-bed department staffed by three full-time, professors who are board certified in Emergency Medicine, seven residents, and nursing staff with specialized emergency training. As part of the National Plan for an Emergency Medical Network, our department at Jeonbuk National University Hospital serves a leading role as a Regional Emergency Center for the Metropolitan Area and has the 1339 Emergency Information Center.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Lee, Jae-baek M.D. Ph.D. Professor Trauma, critical and intensive care medicine baeklee@jbnu.ac.kr Jin, Young-ho M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Critical care medicine, clinical toxicology emjin@jbnu.ac.kr Jung, Tae-oh M.D. Assistant professor Disaster and Environmental medicine, Resuscitation emmd@jbnu.ac.kr
Internal medicine
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1) Division of Cardiolology Subspecialty sections of the Cardiology Division include interventional cardiology (coronary artery disease and other arterial & venous disease), electrophysiology (radio-frequency catheter ablation, pacing and defibrillation, invasive and noninvasive monitoring), hypertension/heart failure/valvular heart disease/pulmonary hypertension, stress testing (ECG, nuclear, ultrasound, cardiac catheterization) and advanced cardiac imaging (MRI and CT scan). Cardiology Faculty members are involved in a wide range of clinical and basic research.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Ko, Jae-Ki M.D. Ph.D. Professor interventional cardiology jkko@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, won-ho M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair non-invasive cardiology whkim@jbnu.ac.kr Chae, Jei-Keon M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor interventional cardiology jkchae@jbnu.ac.kr Rhee, Kyoung-Suk M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor cardiac electrophysiology ksee@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Sang-rok M.D. Ph.D. Full- time Instructor interventional cardiology medorche@ hanmail.net 2) Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism The Division of Endocrinolgy and Metabolism provides medical care and educational support for outpatients and inpatients with diverse diseases as follows: Pituitary disorder (acromegaly, prolactinoma, Cushing's disease, hypopituitarism), Thyroid disorder (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid neoplasm), Pancreas (diabetes mellitus, endocrine tumor), Bone and parathyroid (osteoporosis, metabolic bone disorder, calcium abnormality), Adrenal gland (adrenal insufficiency, Cushing's syndrome, aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma), lipid metabolism (hyperlipidemia), Metabolic syndrome and obesity, Gonad (amenorrhea, hypogonadism). Because of recent increases in the number of patients involved in endocrinology and metabolism, medical progress in this field will be have an important impact on future medicine.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Baek, Hong Sun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Endocrinology, Metabolism bhs@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Tae Sun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Endocrinology, Metabolism pts@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Ji Hyun M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Endocrinology, Metabolism parkjh@jbnu.ac.kr 3) Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology All members of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology are not only committed to providing the best quality care to patients with a variety of disorders affecting the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas and biliary systems, but are also dedicated to biomedical research and education as well. Endoscopic services include endoscopic diagnosis, evaluation of tumors with endoscopic ultrasonography, and interventional management of benign and malignant gastrointestinal tract disorders such as polypectomy, endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, and endoscopic stenting. The Hepatology section provides comprehensive and specified services including liver transplantation and intensive care of patients with primary liver cancers and acute/chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis and acute/chronic hepatic failure. Resources of the renowned Hepatology section include the latest advances in endoscopic and radiologic equipment. With these state of the art capabilities, staff members perform minimally invasive endoscopic or radiologic procedures, including multi-detector CT, SPIO or enhanced MRI, liver biopsy, endoscopic variceal ligation, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, and balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration. With the combination of these treatment modalities, outstanding results with minimal complications are being obtainedProfessor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim , Dae Ghon M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Molecular biology of liver daeghon@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Soo-Teik M.D. Ph.D. Professor Gastroenterology soo@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Seung- Ok M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Hepatobillary solee@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Sang Wook M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Gastroenterology ickm@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, In Hee M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Hepatobillary ihkimmd@jbnu.ac.kr 4) Division of Hematology/Medical Oncology The Division of Hematology/Medical Oncology provides comprehensive care for patients with acute and chronic hematologic disorders, leukemia, and solid tumors such as stomach, lung, and breast cancer. To help people overcome cancer, the Division has been providing a multidisciplinary approach involving surgery or radiation and high levels of technological treatment. The Division's inpatient service now includes around 70 beds for hospitalization and hospice unit for the high quality care of terminal cancer patients. In addition, "day-hospital" provides the service or outpatient-based chemotherapy. In particular, the stem cell transplantation center has specially prepared specific pathogen free facilities in order to decrease the risk of infection for immune-compromised patients. The Division also provides specialty programs, including stem cell transplantation, clinical trials of new anti-cancer drugs and educations for cancer patients. The Division provides post-graduate training in hematology and medical oncology to physicians who want to be board-certified in these specialties, as well as offering educational programs to patients and their families.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Yim, Chang-Yeol M.D. Ph.D. Professor Hematology and Medical Oncology cyyim@jbnu.ac.kr Kwak, Jae-Yong M.D. Ph.D. Professor Hematology and Medical Oncology jykwak@jbnu.ac.kr Song, Eun-Kee M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Hematology and Medical Oncology eksong@jbnu.ac.kr 5) Division of Infectious Diseases The Division of Infectious Diseases, part of the Department of Internal Medicine, covers infectious diseases caused by various microorganisms, unidentified febrile diseases (fever of unknown origin), and AIDS patients. The science of infectious diseases is regarded to be quite important these days as multi-drug resistant bacteria become more prevalent and the number of immunocompromised patients increases due to organ transplantation and chemotherapy. Furthermore, the occurrence of new contagious diseases such as AIDS, SARS and bird flu,as well as the reemergence of previous contagious diseases makes the study of infectious diseases even more necessary in a reputable medical school. The Division of Infectious Diseases focuses not only on diagnosing and treating infectious diseases that occur in several parts of our body, but also treating them appropriately by closely examining causes of various fever-related diseases. In addition, this division has taken full responsibility for preventing and controlling nosocomial infections that gradually become major health issues.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Lee, Chang-Sup M.D. Ph.D. Full-time Lecturer infection lcsmd@jbnu.ac.kr 6) Division of Nephrology The Division of Nephrology has extensive programs involved with patient care, research, and education. Indeed, members of our Facultyhave earned many departmental and school awards for teaching and research, and multiple awards from the Korean Society of Internal Medicine and the Korean Society of Nephrology. Research activities in the Nephrology Division range from clinical trials to bench studies. Current research areas include studies of regenerative medicine after kidney injury, endothelial cell biology, complications of chronic kidney disease, and dialysis. We have received research grants from the National Research Laboratory Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Republic of Korea since September, 2004. Our renal failure program provides primary care to over 200 patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) treated with hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. In addition, Jeonbuk National University Hospital has an active renal transplantation program.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Rhee, Yang Keun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Pulmonology ryk@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Yong Chul M.D. Ph.D. Professor Allergy, Pulmonology leeyc@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Heung Bum M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Allergy, Pulmonology Ihbmd@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Seoung Ju M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Allergy, Pulmonology sjp@jbnu.ac.kr 7) Division of Pulmonology and Allergology The division provides diagnostic and therapeutic modalities for various respiratory and allergic diseases. Areas of expertise include asthma and other allergic disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, benign and malignant tumors of lung, interstitial lung disease; infectious pulmonary disease including tuberculosis, occupational lung disease, pleural disease, and others. The division directs the Airway Remodeling Laboratory, which was adopted as a National Research Laboratory in March 2005, and it performs internationally-recognized clinical and basic research that will provide further understanding about mechanisms of disease and will ultimately lead to improved diagnoses and treatment. Students participate in a variety of educational programs and clinical practices. A journal meeting is held every Tuesday, and on Thursdays, physicians and students take counsel with radiologists, surgeons, and pathologists regarding interesting cases. On Fridays, students present and discuss patient based learning (PBL) under the guidance of professors.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Yim, Chang-Yeol M.D. Ph.D. Professor Hematology and Medical Oncology cyyim@jbnu.ac.kr Kwak, Jae-Yong M.D. Ph.D. Professor Hematology and Medical Oncology jykwak@jbnu.ac.kr Song, Eun-Kee M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Hematology and Medical Oncology eksong@jbnu.ac.kr 8) Division of Rheumatology The Division of Rheumatology specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and research of all rheumatic diseases. The Division also offers consultative and continuing care for patients with regional musculoskeletal disorders such as shoulder pain, hip pain, and knee pain in addition to offering pre-operative evaluation and recommendations for patients considering joint replacement and arthritis-related reconstructive surgeries. This is accomplished through a balance of education, research, and the clinical care of patients with various rheumatic disorders. Nailfold capillary microscopy, musculoskeletal sonograhy and synovial fluid analysis with polarizing microscopy are performed in this division. In 1997, the Division of Rheumatology was installed as a separate clinic within the hospital to provide more specialized and better medical services than ever before.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Yoo, Wan-Hee M.D. Ph.D. Associate professor Rheumatology ywhim@jbnu.ac.kr
Laboratory Medicine
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Laboratory medicine is a field of medical science, closely associated with all fields of medicine, that provides clinical laboratory testing for diagnosis of illness, prognosis prediction, and treatment evaluation with patient-derived specimens. The Department is subdivided into six sections, namely Diagnostic Hematology, Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Immunoserology, Blood bank, and Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics. In this course, the department teaches hematopathology, clinical microbiology, and introduction to laboratory medicine, as well as the laboratory medicine teaching within the clerkship. Laboratory Medicine Facultymembers emphasize the fundamentals of laboratory medicine for each section and how to use the laboratory data (results) for clinical diagnoses and effective follow-up. Emphasis is placed on the principles, interpretations and pitfalls in laboratory methods as well. The course is covered in various block lectures and yields one credit for teaching within the polyclinic clerkship.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Choi, Sam Im M.D. Ph.D. Professor Diagnostic hematology, Clinical immunology choisi@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Hye Soo M.D. Ph.D. Professor and chair Clinical microbiology leehs@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Dal Sik M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Clinical chemistry, Molecular diagnostics dskim@jbnu.ac.kr Cho, Yong Gon M.D. Ph.D. Assistant professor Transfusion medicine, Cytogenetic diagnostics cyk6772@jbnu.ac.kr
Nuclear Medicine
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The Nuclear Medicine Department at the Medical School of Jeonbuk National University, organized as a separate department in 1993, remains one of the best-equipped nuclear medicine services in the Jeonbuk area - and certainly one of the busiest. Together, the four professors, two residents, ten technicians, two nurses, and five researchers in our department annually perform over 20,000 imaging studies, 80,000 in-vitro studies as well as providing treatment of thyroid disease for 300 patients.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Sohn, Myung-Hee M.D. Ph.D. Professor mhsohn@jbnu.ac.kr Lim, Seok Tae M.D. Ph.D. Associate professor and Chair tlim@jbnu.ac.kr Jeong, Hwan-Jeong M.D. Ph.D. Associate professor jayjeong@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Dong Wook Ph.D. Full-time instructor kimdw@jbnu.ac.kr
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The Department of Neurology in Jeonbuk National University Medical School is dedicated to patient care, education and research. The department is staffed by four professors, one clinical professor and five residents within a number of subspecial divisions, including Cerebrovascular disease, Dementia, Peripheral nervous system disease, Movement disorders, and Degenerative Neurological diseases. Currently, we are running the development-Botox clinic and the clinic for stroke patients and are planning to establish clinics for dementia, dizziness, epilepsy in order to effectively contribute to the improvement of neurology nationawide.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Young-Hyun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Headache, Dementia, Degenerative neurological disease kimyh@jbnu.ac.kr Seo, Man-Wook M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Dizziness, Headache, Stroke, Involuntary movement disorders smw@jbnu.ac.kr Shin, Byoung-soo M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Stroke, vascular dementia, Multiple Sclerosis sbsoo@jbnu.ac.kr Jeong, Seul-Ki M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Dementia, Stroke, epilepsy jeongsk@jbnu.ac.kr
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The department of Neurosurgery deals with disease of central and peripheral nervous system as well as problems of skull and spine. Diseases of Neurosurgical field include brain and spinal cord tumors (primary and metastatic lesions), vascular disease (aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, intracerebral hemorrhage, and cerebral infarction), functional disorders (Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, dystonia, spastic disorder, hemifacial spasm, and trigeminal neuralgia), epilepsy, head trauma (skull fracture, acute epidural hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage), spine and spinal cord disease (herniated disc, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament, vertebral dislocation, fracture of vertebral body, and transverse myelitis, and infection). Neurointerventinal treatment for aneurysm, cerebral infarction and tumor embolization, EEG monitoring for epilepsy patients, and Gamma-knife surgery for brain and skullbase tumors, deep brain stimulation are having been done in the department of neurosurgery. nienter for comprehensive treatment of epilepsy and Parkinson's disease has been regareded as a leading one in Korea.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Chul-Jin M.D. Ph.D. Professor Cerebrovascular disease kcj@jbnu.ac.kr Choi, Ha-Young M.D. Ph.D. Professor and chair Brain tumor, Epilepsy, Functional disease, Cerebrovascular disorders hayoungc@jbnu.ac.kr Eun, Jong-Pil M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Spine and Spinal cord disease spineeun@jbnu.ac.kr Koh Eun-jeong M.D. Ph.D. Full-time Lecturer Functional Neurosurgery, Brain Tumor, Cerebrovascular disorders, Pediatric disorders kohejns@jbnu.ac.kr
Obstetrics and Gynecology
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The objective of the clinical gynecology department is to acquire a basic understanding of the female reproductive organs, gynecological diseases, and their diagnosis and treatment. The objective of obstetrics is to acquire a basic understanding of the phenomena and treatment principles of normal and abnormal pregnancies, the process of delivery, and puerperium. Accordingly, students are required to learn and practice the fundamental skills of obstetric and gynecological procedures during clinical training in order to acquire the ability of primary care physicians.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Oh, Byung-Chan M.D. Ph. D. Professor Infertility and Endocrinology bco@jbnu.ac.kr Cho, Sung-Nam M.D. Ph. D. Professor Gyneocologic Oncology sncho@jbnu.ac.kr Rhe, Cheul-Hee M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Infertility and Endocrinology rheu@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Kwan-Sik M.D. Ph.D. Professor Oncology and Pelviscopic surgery ksjm@jbnu.ac.kr Jeong, Young-Joo M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Associate Professor/Obstetric Genetics yjjeong@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Jong Hyeon M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Infertility and Gynecolgic Endocrinology hyeon69@jbnu.ac.kr Lee Jeong Heon, M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor 'Maternal and Fetal Medicine jh.lee@jbnu.ac.kr
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The ophthalmology course provides lectures during the second semester of the second year and bedside teaching during the first semester of the fourth year. The lecture is allocated two hours per week (1.5 credits). Bedside teaching is allocated one hour per week (0.5 credit).Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Cho, Nam-chun M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair cnauo@jbnu.ac.kr Ahn, Min M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor hnmin@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Dong-Wook M.D. Assistant Professor idw@jbnu.ack.kr You, In-Cheon M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor you2ic@jbnu.ack.kr
Orthopedic Surgery
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The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery is dedicated to inspiring students, residents, fellows and Facultyto work towards discovery of the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and resources needed to deliver quality patient care. Further, the Department is determined to provide comprehensive orthopaedic medical and surgical care to a broad range of patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The fellowship-trained surgeon Facultyprovides expert and personalized surgical approachesto the bone and joint problems that threaten the comfort and function of thousands of individuals each year. These surgeons combine decades of experience, knowledge of the world's literature and their own cutting edge research to optimize the approaches to the vast range of conditions that can be effectively managed by hip and knee reconstruction, arthroscopic surgery, hand and microsurgery, spine surgery, pediatric orthopaedic surgery, shoulder and elbow surgery, foot and ankle surgery, orthopaedic trauma surgery, as well as tumor surgery. The department of orthopaedic surgery at Jeonbuk National University was established in 1974. Since that time the department has produced 61 orthopaedic specialists, some of whom work in a number of different University Hospitals with outstanding outcomes, while others devote their skills to the development of their community. At present, Our Department has 6 full-time Faculty, 1 clinical affiliated Faculty, 3 fellows, and 10 residents that participate in clinical and research activitiesProfessor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Park, Myung-Sik M.D. Ph .D. Professor Hip mspark@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Jun-Mo M.D. Ph.D. Professor Hand & Microsurgery junmolee@jbnu.ac.kr Song , Kyung-Jin M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Spine kysong@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Ju-Hong M.D. Ph.D. Professor Knee jhlee55@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Jung-Ryul M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Pediatric orthopaedics & Oncology jrkeem@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Jong-Hyuk M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Shoulder, Foot & Ankle nuga4u@jbnu.ac.kr
Otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery
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Welcome to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the Medical School of Jeonbuk National University. Our Department was established in 1970 with the objectives of providing excellent teaching for medical students, residents and fellows in order to provide outstanding clinical care for the residents of Jeonlabukdo, model patient care, and the advancement of knowledge through scholarly activities.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Yoon, Yong Joo M.D. Ph.D./ Professor Otology and EAC Cell Biology yjyoon@jbnu.ac.kr Kwan, Sam Hyun M.D. Ph.D./ Professor Rhinology and Sinus Surgery shkwon@jbnu.ac.kr Hong, Ki Hwan M.D. Ph.D./ Professor and Chair Head & Neck surgery and Phonation khhong@jbnu.ac.kr Yang, Yun-Su M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Head & Neck Surgery and Thyroid yang2002@jbnu.ac.kr
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Pediatrics deals with the health, growth and development of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatricians are always concerned with their opportunity to achieve full potential as adults. Our Department of Pediatrics covers Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Neonatology, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric neurology, Pediatric Allergy and Pulmonology, and Health Care of Adolescents. Each member of the Facultyis actively engaged in either or both of the clinical and basic research areas in the field of Pediatrics, and endeavors at professional medical educationProfessor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Jung Soo M.D. Ph.D. Professor Infectious Diseases, Immunology, Allergy, Pulmonology kimjsp@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Dae Yeol M.D. Ph.D. Professor Nephrology, Endocrinology leedy@jbnu.ac.kr Cho, Soo Chul M.D. Ph.D. Professor Neonatology chosc@jbnu.ac.kr Joo, Chan Uhng M.D. Ph.D. Professor Cardiology, General Adolescent Medicine joococ@jbnu.ac.kr Hwang, Pyoung Han M.D. Ph.D. Professor Hematology, Oncology hwaph@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Sun Jun M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Neurology, Gastroenterology, Nutrition sunjun@jbnu.ac.kr Jo, Dae Sun M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases, Immunology, Allergy, Pulmonology drjo@jbnu.ac.kr
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
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Plastic and reconstructive surgery is a specialized branch of surgery dealing with the repair of deformities and the correction of functional deficits. The department of plastic and reconstructive surgery is divided into two parts: aesthetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Aesthetic surgery includes cosmetic surgery of the eyelid and nose, facial contouring, liposuction, facelifts, and the correction of body deformities. Reconstructive surgery rebuilds physically damaged parts resulting from burns, facial fractures, congenital craniofacial anomalies, cleft lip, cleft palate, maxillofacial deformities, facial palsy, head and neck cancer, skin tumors, anomalies of the hand and foot, and trauma, with the goal of restoring patients to a normal state. Microsurgery helps restore hand function after trauma and helps restore coverage of the body surface in free flap surgery after trauma or tumor ablation. In addition, an Ultrapulse CO2 laser purchased in 1997 is used for facial resurfacing and other superficial skin lesions with good results.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Yang, Kyoung-Moo M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Aesthetic surgery, Craniofacial surgery maiyang@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Nae-Ho M.D. Ph.D. Associate Professor Hand and micro surgery, Aesthetic surgery leenaeho@jbnu.ac.kr
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The Psychiatry Department consists of outpatient clinics (adult, geriatric, and child-adolescent psychiatry, etc.), two inpatient wards (1 open and 1 closed), special clinics (stress clinic, depressive & bipolar disorders clinic, early psychosis clinic, Youth clinic, child-adolescent clinic and sleep disorders clinic), the division of clinical psychology, various labs for psychological testing, computerized neuropsychological test, biofeedback, polysomnography & sleep evaluation, and various psychosocial programs for psychiatric patients. The important objectives of psychiatry are to teach and train medical students to become competent primary physicians and psychiatric residents, and to provide clinically good-quality services for psychiatric patients (mood disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, substance use disorders, personality disorders, mental disorders in child & adolescence, sleep disorders, eating disorders, sexual disorders and organic mental disorders.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Hwang, Ik-Keun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Psychoanalysis and Biofeedback hwangik@jbnu.ac.kr Jung, Ae-Ja Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Professor Clinical psychology jungaeja@jbnu.ac.kr Chung, Sang-Keun M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Mood disorder, Geriatric Psychiatry skchung@jbnu.ac.kr Chung, Young-Chul M.D. Ph. D. Professor Youth Mental Disorders, Psychopharmacology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy chungyc@jbnu.ac.kr Park, Tae-Won M.D. Ph. D. Assistant Professor Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ptaewon@jbnu.ac.kr
Radiation oncology
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The Department of Therapeutic Radiology makes every effort to increase the cancer cure rate and to improve the quality of life through basic oncological and clinical research. The education of medical personnel is provided through lectures and clinical and practical courses for medical students, radiotherapy technologists, medical physicists, and clinical fellows. Recently, IMRT (Intensity Modified Radiation Therapy) or IGRT (Imaging Guided Radiation Therapy) has been introduced. So optimal treatment volume is able to selected and irradiated so that normal tissue or organ around tumors is protected as soon as possible.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kwon, Hyoung Cheol M.D. Ph. D. Professor and Chair Head & Neck Tumor, Chest Tumor, CNS Tumor, hckwon@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Jeong Soo M.D. Ph.D. Professor Breast Tumor, Gynecological Tumor, Digestive and Urological Tumor jskim@jbnu.ac.kr
Rehabilitation Medicine
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The Rehabilitation Medicine field analyzes and treats not only physically disabled people but also patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain, with the main objective of developing their physical, mental, and social potential to their maximum abilities and creating opportunities for them to enjoy their lives fully. Our department is energetically carrying out specialized rehabilitation services encompassing diverse fields such as stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, musculoskeletal and neural pain, electro diagnostic medicine, orthosis and prosthesis, delayed development, swallowing difficulty, lymph edema, biomechanics and kinetics, etc. Current research focuses on the rehabilitation of cognitive function, spinal cord injury, neuro-musculo-skeletal pain, electrodiagnostic medicine, urodynamic study devices, etc. Furthermore, our service is supported by many paramedical personnel and specialized settings: rehabilitation exercise gymnasium, computerized cognitive function training room, physical modality room, Bobath and Vojta therapy room, lymphedema room, occupational therapy room, speech therapy room, isokinetic exercise room, hydrotherapy room, etc.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Seo, Jeong-Hwan M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair vivaseo@jbnu.ac.kr Ko, Myoung-Hwan M.D. Ph.D. Assistant professor mhko@jbnu.ac.kr Park Sung-Hee M.D. Ph.D. Assistant professor shpark0130@jbnu.ac.kr
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Department of Surgery in Jeonbuk National University Medical School is dedicated to patient care, education and research. The surgical team is staffed by ten professors, four fellows, sixteen residents within four division including Gastrointestinal Surgery, Hepatobiliary-Pancreas and Transplantation Surgery, Breast and Endocrine Surgery and Pediatric Surgery. We surgeons perform a wide variety of operations related to the department of surgery, including gastric cancer, colo-rectal cancer, hepatoma, pancreas and biliary tract cancer, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, abdominal organ transplant, trauma, vascular procedure. We Surgery's mission is to provide operation for patients with the least pain, trauma, scarring and recovery time. We also offers unparalleled educational opportunities to medical students, residents and fellowsProfessor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Jae-Chun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Pediatric Surgery jckim@jbnu.ac.kr Cho, Baik Hwan M.D. Ph.D. Professor Hepatobiliary-Pancreas and Transplantation Surgery chobh@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Jong-Hun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Colo-rectum, Anus, Small bowel kimjhun@jbnu.ac.kr Yang, Doo Hyun M.D. Ph.D. Professor Esophagus, stomach, duodenum ydh@jbnu.ac.kr Jung, Sung Hoo M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Breast, ·Endocrine Surgery shjung@jbnu.ac.kr Yu, Hee Chul M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Hepatobiliary-Pancreas, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery hcyu@jbnu.ac.kr Jeong, Yeon Jun M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Pediatric Surgery surgeon@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Chan Young M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum happyhill@jbnu.ac.kr Lee, Min Ro M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Small bowel, Colo-rectum, Anus gsminro@jbnu.ac.kr Youn, Hyun Jo M.D. Ph.D. Full-Time Instructor Breast, ·Endocrine Surgery yhj0903@jbnu.ac.kr
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In the trend of a modern aging society, the areas of prostate disease, urologic oncology, voiding dysfunction and female urological disease come to the fore. The Department of Urology, on the cutting edge of ever-changing advanced medical technology, exerts every effort to provide the best medical services possible while considering accurate diagnosis and therapy and quality of life upon completion of medical therapy. The department specializes in using various minimally invasive surgeries, up-to-date operating methods and advanced operating technologies for using laparoscopic and cryosurgical systems. Each of our surgeons is board-certified in urology and has subspecialty training in specific areas, such as kidney disease, prostate disease, bladder control or infertility. This sub-specialization enables our physicians to develop innovative procedures and to gain valuable experience that translates into positive results for our patients.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim, Young-Gon M.D. Ph.D. Professor Pediatric Urology, Urinary Stone ygkim@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Hyung-Jin M.D. Ph.D. Professor and Chair Genitourinary Oncology, Urinary Tract Injury hjkim @jbnu.ac.kr Park, Jong-Kwan M.D. Ph.D. Professor Male Sexual Dysfunction Infertility, Prostate Disease rain@jbnu.ac.kr Jeong, Young-Beom M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Genitourinary Oncology, Voiding Dysfunction ybjeong @jbnu.ac.kr
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
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The Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery is actively involved in providing professional education, research, and medical care. The department is a subspecial part of the surgery dealing with respiratory (lung cancer, infectious, congenital diseases), cardiac (congenital, valvular, coronary diseases), vascular (aortic aneurysm, dissection), esophageal, chest wall (congenital, tumor, traumatic), diaphragmatic, and mediastinal system diseases.Professor
Professor INFO(name,Position,Field of Research,E-mail) Faculty Name Position Field of Research E-mail Kim Kong-Soo Professor Thoracic and Cardiovascular disease kskim@jbnu.ac.kr Jo, Jung ku /Professor and Chair Thoracic and Cardiovascular disease jkjo@jbnu.ac.kr Kuh, Ja-Hong Professor Thoracic and Cardiovascular disease jhkuh@jbnu.ac.kr Kim, Min-ho Professor Thoracic and Cardiovascular disease mhkim@jbnu.ac.kr